• The main motto of the foundation is spreading awareness about this rare genetic disorder and  creating a conducive environment for the angel families. 

• To Plan and organize workshops and conferences on Angelman Syndrome for Angelman parents.

• Set up an all exclusive Angelman Syndrome clinic in India.

• Build a respite care center for Angelman kids and parents.

• Set up clinical trials in India for finding a cure for Angelman Syndrome.

• Raising funds for needy special parents to buy equipments, operation charges, doctor fees, therapy fees etc.

Pooja Joshi Bhadrige is the Founder Director of Angelman Foundation India (AFI). An MBA by qualification, a banker by profession and now a full time mother. In 2015, her son Yug got diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome.
In the year 2017, she started the first ever website in India for Angelman parents and kids. Since then she decided to be the voice of all Angelman parents in India. She founded the AFI and got it registered in November, 2020.
She is now dedicated to bring more awareness in India and build an AS family which can work towards the betterment of their kids.

Swapnil Bhadrige is the co-founder and Director of AFI. He is the father of Yug and husband of Pooja Joshi. He is also an MBA by qualification and has been working in the insurance sector since 2007. He has been a dedicated father to yug and helps in the day to day activities of the foundation.

Manish minocha

Manish is technologist at heart, and firmly believes that right use of technology is immensely beneficial for specially-abled children. There is a plethora of technologies available, across aided-learning and aided-communication. Yet there is a much larger need of innovating the same and tailoring technologies for specially-abled children.
A software-engineer by profession, Manish is helping to scale up the reach and impact of the foundation across parents and the medical community